HypnoTalk 2: How important is the ISE really?
Welcome to the second episode of HypnoTalks Questions & Answers with Axel Hombach and Dr John Butler.
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In our second episode we are exploring the necessity of finding the ISE. That is the first sensitizing event. Many hypnotists learn that they must find the ISE if they want to help their clients. If a client doesn't change, it's because the ISE hasn't been found.
And so the ISE has become surrounded by myths and uncertainty. There are many claims, but how solid are tehy?
In our talk Dr John Butler digs deep into the subject matter and reveals how important the ISE really is, which factors may be inhibiting the uncovering and what is even more important than finding the ISE. Dr John Butler helps us understand where the idea of the ISE originates from, and why it is still so powerful.
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